Episode 140

Published on:

30th Jun 2023

Why You Need Conflict to Move Through Looping Behaviors

Some of us want to achieve inner peace and harmony. We're tired of the stresses we constantly feel. And while it is true, when you heal, when you do the inner work to achieve the outer results of different behaviors and renewed relationships, you do cut down on the drama.

But much like exercise requires us to constantly challenge our physical bodies, so too is there a need for ongoing inner conflict or tension. It's the need for opposing forces for us to achieve our higher, bigger self.

The Law of Three is referred to by Gurdjieff as “the second fundamental cosmic law." According to this law every phenomenon consists of three separate forces, which are Active, Passive and Reconciling or Neutral. This law applies to everything in the universe including organic life on earth. On whatever scale, from molecular to cosmic in whatever world, results from the combination of three opposing forces – the positive (affirming), the negative (denying), and the neutralizing (reconciling) force.

And this idea is also put forth from philosophers from a variety of ages, some attribute the concept of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis to Hegel, some to Kant. That doesn’t matter. What we’re putting forth here is the idea that there will always be tension in your growth work. 

So, intrapersonally there is tension, there will be tension, and the good news is there does in fact NEED to be tension.

Time Stamps:

The problem with repetitive conflict. 1:32

People see patterns of repetitive conflict and dramas.

The tension between self-compassion and self-confrontation.

Self confrontation. 3:12

Self-confrontation is necessary in the coaching process.

The law of three.

The law of three. 4:45

A shock point, a reconciling force.

Burnout and the third force. 6:34

We get stuck in our own shit. 7:51

The one-sided echo chamber of beliefs.

The importance of reconciliation and synthesis.

Being open to the tension you're feeling. 9:00

How do you break the script? 10:38

Find out more about Big Self School

We still offer our flagship burnout coaching package. We also offer packages for those seeking clarity and reconnecting to their life purpose–and we do this work with individuals and couples. Reach out to us if you’d like to book a discovery call and learn more about our coaching packages.

Book a discovery call here

Want to learn more about the role stress plays in your life, and discover your blueprint for how to handle it based on your Enneagram type and subtype? 

Order a copy of Chad’s book Shock Point or order an ebook here.

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About the Podcast

The Humanist
Lead yourself. Lead others. Live creative. No one said this would be easy.
Live your values. Find sanctuary. Discover and embrace your authentic self. Embark on your path of self-discovery and purposeful living.

With thought leaders, visionaries, and everyday citizens from Chattanooga and beyond, Dr. Chad explores the question: Who are you, and what does it mean to be human now?

Join Dr. Chad Prevost on this transformative journey as he seeks radical new ways to understand and practice what is real. Whether you're seeking to reignite your passion, discover your true calling, or simply live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Subscribe now and embark on a path of self-discovery, creativity, and purposeful living.

About your host

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Chad Prevost

Dr. Chad has advanced degrees in creative writing, literature, and theology. Being married to a psychotherapist has been another education. A workshop leader and entrepreneur, he has started and participated in writing and literary arts communities in New York, Austin, Atlanta and Chattanooga. He also has experience writing as a journalist for startups in tech and logistics. He is the author of several books of poetry, as well as interactive-fiction for youth. Over the years, he has innovated writing processes to foster reflection and insight, narrative strength, and authentic voice.